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Flourish in class with an M.Ed. in Special Education

Wednesday, June 10, 2015 | 12:00 AM

Focus your career with an M.Ed. in Special Education

As a special education teacher in a public or private school, 你最大的挑战之一是克服这样的误解,即残疾儿童无法学习,或者他们的需求超出了你的能力范围. A Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education 准备你进一步拓展你的专业知识,或者专注于有特殊需要的孩子的教学.

Length of time for completing an M.Ed. in Special Education

You can earn your M.Ed. 通过学术或专业课程来学习特殊教育. The time for completion depends on your particular program of study.

学术轨道学位课程提供与学校教师的校园网络, academic mentors, research librarians, students and others in the teaching profession. 它们通常比专业学位课程需要更长的时间才能完成. 他们最适合那些想要从事研究或高等教育的学生.

专业轨道的特殊教育硕士课程是在线学位课程. 它们是为想要平衡工作的在职教师或助教设计的, school and family obligations. 一些学校提供混合课程,将校园课程与在线学习经验结合起来.

Like on-campus programs, 特殊教育的在线硕士学位通常需要两到三年才能完成. However, you may be able to complete your program in 16 to 18 months. Online programs are not only flexible and convenient, 但他们也提供速成课程,完成速成课程的时间大约是完成传统课程的一半, semester-based course.

Overview of an M.Ed. in Special Education

An online M.Ed. 特殊教育课程可以让你在短短几个月内更好地了解你的领域. 它扩展你的知识,给你资源和技能,帮助特殊儿童显著提高他们的学习能力, social skills and quality of life. With a master’s degree, 你可以在课堂上表现出色,对学生的生活产生真正的影响.

An M.Ed. in Special Education also allows you to narrow your specialization. Although your career goals may change over time, 专注于你现在最感兴趣的领域是个好主意. 同样重要的是,寻找一个有正式认证的学位课程,以确保你得到最高质量的教育.

无论你是打算继续教学还是为特殊教育研究做出贡献,在线M.Ed. in Special Education is a step in the right direction. It’s a fast track to helping your students flourish in the classroom. 全美国的学生都能从你的培训、专业知识和同情心中受益. 在你的帮助下,他们可能学会克服障碍,实现个人目标.

Learn about University of Texas Rio Grande Valley online M.Ed. in Special Education program.


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