


阅读障碍是一种常见的学习障碍. Students with dyslexia have trouble reading and interpreting letters, symbols and words. Because classroom learning involves large volume of writing and reading, students with dyslexia can easily become frustrated and fall behind in their lessons.

Technology in the classroom can offer many benefits to students who struggle with learning disabilities. Apps and devices that can help compensate for disabilities are becoming more widely used in schools across the country. 如果你在追求 在线特殊教育硕士学位, you will become familiar with technology that assists students with learning differences, 包括有阅读障碍的学生.

Here are some examples of technology in the classroom commonly used to help students with dyslexia thrive in the classroom:

Livescribe Smartpen

The Livescribe Smartpen is an electronic pen that contains an audio recorder. As users take notes with the Smartpen, a camera takes pictures of the words. A microphone records the lesson, which syncs with the pictures of the user’s notes. 当学生后来复习笔记时, 他们可以简单地用笔点击笔记的照片, which will pull up the corresponding audio data for a given note.

vBookz PDF语音阅读器

This is an app that converts text in any PDF to a font that was specifically designed for readability by students with dyslexia. 该程序还可以大声朗读任何PDF文件. Because students with dyslexia benefit from hearing text out loud, this is an incredibly beneficial type of classroom technology.


这是一个作为听写软件的应用程序. Students simply speak, and the app will convert their speech to text. For students who struggle with spelling and typing, dictation software is highly useful. 这个软件有助于减轻阅读困难学生的压力, 让他们专注于自己的课程.

在网上攻读特殊教育硕士学位, master’s candidates will learn how to bridge the learning gap for students of all abilities. 因为有阅读障碍的学生有阅读困难, 书写和解释文字, they greatly benefit from classroom technologies such as the examples above. These apps and technologies assist students in typing, spelling, reading and comprehension. 因为辅助技术在不断发展, it is important for educators to remain apprised of the most current devices and apps for assisting students in the classroom.

了解 德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷在线硕士.Ed. 特殊教育项目.




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